Friday, May 13, 2011


Its been a few months since I have had time to do my blog! Thought that I would try to catch up. So Ally is still dancing two days a week, Ballet and Tap. She loves it. She starts Kindergarten in August. She will be going to Ponderosa unless she gets into one of the Charter schools that she is on the waiting list for. Valerie is finally potty trained....good and she goes to the potty about 20+ times a day not even exagerating. She is going to start baby ballet in the fall which she is very excited about. Raquel is getting her molars in.....and runs around the house following her sisters and helping them get into things. She will take bites out of the toilet paper and just about any thing else that she finds. We are all very happy about the wonderful weather we have been having. Its great to be back outdoors.

"What....Why are you taking my picture?" Marco is driving around the yard on his little ride on lawn mower.

Raquel already loves to ride around on her daddy's toys

getting ready for a ride

odviously ally is extremly comfortably riding on the quad. this is not a stop and pose pic this is a riding around pose. not too fast because the baby is in the front.

I love this picture.... valerie we did not forget you....we will take pictures of you too.
 These pictures are from when my dad, stepmom, and sister came to celebrate Easter and my belated birthday. We had lots of fun decorating eggs.

Classic!! Ally and Konnie decorating eggs

Valerie was having a little too much fun!! Quite the character.

In the background Grandpa is eating yummy banana chocolate chip muffins that we made

My birthday cake! That is my little sister beside you couldn't

Here we all are (marco is taking the pic)
Raquel was sleeping. We started decorating really late for her and she turns into a pumpkin at 8 :)

Ally loves to take pictures with the camera. She took these pictures of Marco and the girls while I was at work one day. Not bad for a 4 year old.
kissing Raquel

kissing daddy

and "cheeeseee"

and 'cheessee' again
These pictures are from Easter. We went to "Nana and Bobby's" house to celebrate. The girls had so much fun running around outside. It was pretty nice weather with some occasional cloudiness. I attempted to get a decent picture of all three girls, by myself not easy. Marco had to work of must have a cook.

The best one that I got. Raquel moves too quickly now.

I don't remember what I was saying but can im pretty sure I look like a dork here....Raquel looks pretty cute though.

An attempt of all of us girls :P
Easter egg hunt...... 

I was having so much fun watching that I could hardly get a picture taken plus watching three girls run around  I thought I was gonna be dizzy. 
pretty cool clouds

Kite Flying....Hi Uncle Garrett

Valerie and her Great Grandpa.....Wish I would have kept my finger on the camera.....he stuck his tongue out at me right after I got this shot. He doesn't like to have his picture taken so I had to be sneaky to get this one.

Me: "Nana, Why is the ice cream cake in the fridge? " Nana: "I got it out of a fridge at the store and there was no label anywhere" Me: " It says right there Keep frozen"  So we put it in the freezer and 2 hours later this is how the ice cream cake was......she thought that it looked fine until we took the plastic off the outside and the whole cake did this. lmbo

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