Wow! I can't believe how long it has been since I have had time to blog. I am currently on a small break from school and decided to spend some time blogging. Life has just been absolutely insane. School is a love- hate relationship. I feel guilty for not spending time with my family when I do it, and I feel guilty for spending time doing other things when I "should" be doing school work. I find myself struggling. Sometimes, I think I would rather just be a stay at home mom....that is not even possible.....and then I think about how hard I had to work to become an RN...and how hard I am working to advance my career.
During all of this working full time, going to school full time, raising three girls....All of the girls have all been sick!!!! During which sleep was practically non-existent. Valerie had bronchitis resulting in a habitual cough. Raquel had the stomach flu and then Ally got "mono"; she lost some weight and was having a hard time at school. I felt like my life was falling apart.
I am looking forward to being done in August. It has been a long haul. I don't think anyone would understand what it is like to go to school full time, work full time, and raise a family, especially when two of the children are toddlers, unless they themselves have done it. I hear all of the time "you must be busy!".....ummm that is an understatement.
In the meantime when I have had time to spend with the girls it has been fun. We recently went to Disney on Ice. Ally is becoming a very good reader. Valerie is going to start transitional Kindergarten in the fall. Raquel just turned 3!
Raquel thinks she is a big girl and doesn't need to take a nap..........
Clearly she still needs them!
She also still gets into everything. I love the outfit...PJs with a swimming suit over it! Oh and the lipstick matches so well with the outfit.
All three for a quick picture!
Ally has almost no teeth left! The tooth fairy comes often.
I laugh when the tooth fairy is to come. Usually the girls say how they are gonna catch her. Or Valerie states how last time she came she touched her wings. Ally always comments on how big of hands she had the first time she came. LOL. Oh and one time when the tooth fairy came "he" forgot to take the tooth. Oh... her bag was just too heavy to add another one in.
I keep reminding myself about how I don't remember my mom was in school, when I was young, and that most likely they will not remember how I spent most of my time doing school work.