This picture is from a week ago. She was able to tun onto her stomach but only if she got mad enough. Now she can turn both ways with no problem. She really pushes herself up.
Daddy takes his girls on rides around the yard all of the time.
These are dinosar shaped Rice Krispies for those of you who can not quite tell
These girls love to cook with mommy. Most of the time I am tripping over their little yellow chairs that they follow me around the kitchen in.
Ally is getting soo big and she is able to do alot more in the kitchen. She is so funny she even knows some kitchen "lingo" since she watches "the food network" with me she says "yeah the cooking channel" her favorite is "giada at home"
Valerie is a very picky eater...we are very excited when we find something that she will eat!!
Yesturday we BBQ out in the back yard...while daddy was doing the grilling Valerie found herself an ant hill where she proceeded to try to pick them up and play with them all the while talking with them. Valerie loved the corn on the cob!!
Today while I was on Call I thought that it would be fun to make rice krispie treats. Ally wore her apron that she got for her birthday from Grandpa (my dad) and Konnie (his wife) Ally and I had fun decorating it together. I of course wore some of the fabric paint as she was very enthusiastic about moving the paint around on the apron. (This is why mommy owns no nice clothes...I know they will get ruined by all of our adventures) Then after the girls went for a ride around the yard with their dad in the ride on lawn-mower that is not ever used as a lawn mower but as a ride for the girls. They love it!! I am still not very good at doing this whole blog thing so if anyone could let me know any pointers that they have already figured out~